The Adventist Youth Society (AYS) Leader leads the church youth through spiritual, mental, and physical development; through Christian social interaction, and active witnessing program that supports the general soul-winning plans of the church.
The AYS Committee is the umbrella organization for general planning of the youth ministry program. Includes AYS officers, personal ministries leader, pathfinder/adventurer directors, youth Sabbath school division leaders, health ministries leader, sponsor and the pastor.
The AYS Committee is responsible for the senior youth activities and works with other youth departments.
The AYS Officers must exemplify Christ like graces and have a burden for soul winning and enthusiasm. Chosen by the church these officers: youth leader, associate youth leader, secretary-treasurer/assistant, pianist/organist, and sponsor.
The AYS Sponsor may be an elder or other person on the church board. Should understand the objectives of AYS; must support the AYS leader; promotes the involvement of youth in church serves and ministries.